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Welcome Chase the flavor

As well known and we are very busy all days advice you. Us of before arriving, so we can guarantee your seat. Us of before arriving, so we very busy all days advice you. Us of before arriving, so we can guarantee your seat. Us of before arriving, so we can.

Super Delicious Food

Welcome to Delisa Restaurant

We Believe in Testy & Quality Food. We Are Offering Delicious Food. We are the modern Restaurant in the City

Super Delicious Food

Welcome to Delisa Restaurant

We Believe in Testy & Quality Food. We Are Offering Delicious Food. We are the modern Restaurant in the City

Super Delicious Food

Welcome to Delisa Restaurant

We Believe in Testy & Quality Food. We Are Offering Delicious Food. We are the modern Restaurant in the City


Chase the flavor

We love food, lots of different food, just like you. We promise an intimate and relaxed dining experience that offers different to local and foreign patrons.

Pick up at the restaurant at your convenience, 7 days a week. Available for orders of $100 or more, Monday - Friday until 4 P.M. Delivery and Set-Up Fee of $25..

Lunch Time

30% Off Get early on the go!

For your social day

Catering Services

We love food, lots of different food, just like you. We promise an and relaxed dining experience that offers different to local and foreign patrons. Friday until 4 P.M. Delivery and Set-Up Fee of $25.


Our Daily Offer

  • drink
  • fruits

Limonada Fresca Kusykay

Thing lesser replenish evening called void a sea…

  • drink
  • fruits

Iced Tea

With an andean refreshinf fruits and herbs

  • coca
  • drink

Kusykay Mule

Giner beer casero, vodka, jarabe de coca, limón

  • drink
  • pisco

Amazon Chilcano

Thing lesser replenish evening called void a sea…

  • cacao
  • drink

Kusykay Sour

White cacao and passionfruit

  • corn
  • drink

Chicha Morada Sour

Thing lesser replenish evening called void a sea…

Cattle. And was. Fourth be appear. Thing lesser replenish evening called void a, sea, blessed meat fourth called moveth place behold night own night third in they're abundantly and don't you're the.

Jackline Rocky

Cattle. And was. Fourth be appear. Thing lesser replenish evening called void a, sea, blessed meat fourth called moveth place behold night own night third in they're abundantly and don't you're the.

Jackline Rocky

Cattle. And was. Fourth be appear. Thing lesser replenish evening called void a, sea, blessed meat fourth called moveth place behold night own night third in they're abundantly and don't you're the.

Jackline Rocky

Our team

Our experience chefs


Make a reservation

Booking a table online is easy

Make a Reservation

  • Booking
  • Give your details
  • Confirmation
  • Name :
  • Email :
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  • Guests :
  • Time : -
  • Date :
  • Additional Information :


Your reservation has been received. Check your email for details.

Confirm Booking


Our latest news

Causa Rellena – Símbolo del Patriotismo Peruano

Causa Rellena – Símbolo del Patriotismo…

It full a rethoric question ran over her cheek When she reached the…

Ceviche Peruano con Leche de Tigre

Ceviche Peruano con Leche de Tigre

It full a rethoric question ran over her cheek When she reached the…

Chicharrón de Cerdo al Estilo Cusqueño

Chicharrón de Cerdo al Estilo Cusqueño

These fluffy cranberry orange muffins will make your house smell like the holidays!…

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Welcome to Kusykay! 🎉 Experience an unforgettable Peruvian culinary adventure. 🍴 Book now and discover unique flavors. 🇵🇪 Your table awaits!